
Langouste: FAH WU upload/download decoupler

Download Langouste: Linux archive [tar.gz], Windows archive [zip]

0. License
1. What does Langouste do?
2. How is Langouste useful?
3. Supported configurations (PLEASE READ!)
4. Linux information
4.1. Building Langouste
4.2. Using Langouste
4.3. Upgrading Langouste
4.4. How do I know it's working?
5. Windows information
5.1. Using Langouste
5.2. Upgrading Langouste
5.3. How do I know it's working?
6. Rate limiting (upload capping) feature
6.1. Rate limiting with decoupling (1 Langouste per machine)
7. Known issues and caveats
8. Support
9. Credits

0. License

  Langouste is licensed under GNU General Public License version 2.
  See COPYING.txt for details.

1. What does Langouste do?

  Upon client's attempt to contact collection server (with a WU to return)
  it forks a copy of the client (in temporary directory) with -send
  parameter and terminates connection "original" client was attempting to
  make. If forked client is able to send data back, corresponding
  wuresults_*.dat file is wiped from original client's work directory
  (so original client's autosend bails out and removes it from queue).

2. How is Langouste useful?

  Its intended purpose is to make WU download and return processes
  asynchronous (in other words to enable simultaneous downloads and uploads).

  Processed SMP and SMP -bigadv WUs are usually large (25-100MB).  When WU
  processing is complete client sends back the results but new WU is not
  retrieved until after upload is complete.

  On relatively fast links (1Mbit up) bigadv upload takes ~12 minutes (+5
  extra minutes of FAH client/server processing).
  Moreover, due to client deficiencies (see results file cleaning
  takes additional time (depending on underlying filesystem -- between
  several and 20+ minutes).

  As Langouste decouples upload and download processes a new WU can be
  downloaded while WU upload continues in background thus saving time.
  Time that can be spent on simulation.

3. Supported configurations (PLEASE READ!)

  Langouste is supported on modern Linux distributions running Folding@Home
  clients 6.02 (32-bit) and 6.34 (64-bit).

  Langouste is also supported on 32- and 64-bit Windows running
  Folding@Home clients (console, console+GPU, console+SMP, systray, systray+GPU)
  6.23, 6.30, 6.41, _not_ in service mode.

  Minimal requirement is Windows XP with Service Pack 2. Windows Vista and 7
  are also supported.

4. Linux information

4.1. Building Langouste

    1. Make sure gcc, make and appropriate development packages are installed
    2. Run 'make'
    3. Run 'sudo make install' or otherwise run 'make install' as root.

       Langouste installs documentation, helper script and rudimentary
       SysV initscript to  /usr/share/langouste3/. Sample configuration
       file is installed to /etc/langouste3/.

4.2. Using Langouste

    1. Copy helper script (from /usr/share/langouste3/) to FAH client's
    2. Pick a non-used port for Langouste to use (I use 8880)
    3. Start Langouste*,**,***: 'langouste3 -l port-from-step-2'
    4. Reconfigure FAH client (-config or -configonly)
        - set proxy host to (do not leave 'localhost' there)
        - set proxy port to port from step 2****
    5. Enjoy

    *) if you wish to run Langouste in the backgound (otherwise you need
       to keep Langouste terminal window open at all times) add -D option
       to Langouste's command line, e.g. langouste3 -l port-from-step-2 -D

   **) it is  _critical_ Langouste is run as the same user as FAH client(s)
       (it has no effect otherwise)

  ***) Langouste also supports reading configuration from a file -- use
       '-c' option to specify a file; for configuration options see
       langouste.conf.example (located in /etc/langouste3/ after installation)

 ****) Langouste is designed to handle multiple clients (on same machine) --
       running single instance is good enough

4.3. Upgrading Langouste

    1. Build and install Langouste per 4.1.
    2. Pick a time when FAH client is not sending or receiving data (shutting
       client down is not necessary)
    3. Terminate existing instance of Langouste
    4. Start new instance of Langouste
    5. Copy new helper script (from /usr/share/langouste3/) to FAH client
    6. Remove old Langouste directory/binary (for safety)

4.4. How do I know it's working?

  First off, even if you intend to run Langouste as a daemon (in the
  background) running it in the foreground for a while is recommended (just
  to make sure things work as expected).

  Anyway, the easiest way is to examine forked client's log at (or after)
  the time WU is returned (/tmp/langouste directory). See reference log
  in dist/linux/reflogs/ directory.

  Langouste terminal output follows (informative).

  Client (PID 11899) attempts to return a WU but initial connection
  is terminated and a new client instance (set up to return the WU) is forked
  (via helper script -- PID 11982):

    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID for socket: 11899
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID 11899: issending: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Connection from -- slot 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899 is most likely contacting WU server, content length: 91590673
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] Helper pid: -1
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899: numcores: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] now: 1370501100, last helper launched at: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] Launching helper: '/proc/11899/cwd/' (exe name: '/home/folding/fah/fah6')...
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] Forked 11982
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Local: received 16384 bytes, sent 0 bytes

  Helper output (normally mixed with Langouste output in the terminal -- not logged):

    DIRNAME: /proc/11899/cwd
    READLINK: /home/folding/fah
    /proc/11899/cwd/ launching asynchronous part, using /home/folding/fah/

  As original client doesn't know we're doing anything in the background,
  it continues (for a while) its WU return attempts, which are repeatedly
  denied by Langouste -- we see the following sequence several times:

    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID for socket: 11899
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID 11899: issending: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Connection from -- slot 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899 is most likely contacting WU server, content length: 91590673
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] Helper pid: -1
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899: numcores: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] now: 1370501100, last helper launched at: 1370501100
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Local: received 16384 bytes, sent 0 bytes

  Eventually, original client gives up WU return attempts and initiates
  download of a new WU:

    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID for socket: 11899
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 PID 11899: issending: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Connection from -- slot 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899 is contacting main assignment server
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) resolving ''
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Connecting to:
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Connected.
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Local: received 559 bytes, sent 396 bytes
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:00 2013 (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 559 bytes
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 PID for socket: 11899
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 PID 11899: issending: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 (0) Connection from -- slot 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899 is most likely contacting WU server, content length: 512
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 (0) resolving ''
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 (0) Connecting to:
    Thu Jun  6 00:45:01 2013 (0) Connected.

  One minute after first WU return attempt the forked (background) client
  kicks in:

    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 PID for socket: 12011
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 PID 12011: issending: 1
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 (1) Connection from -- slot 1
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 (1) [FAH] PID -1 is most likely contacting WU server, content length: 91590673
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 (1) resolving ''
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:00 2013 (1) Connecting to:
    Thu Jun  6 00:46:01 2013 (1) Connected.

  Original client completes download of new WU:

    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) Remote connection closed (rbsize: 0).
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) Local: received 631 bytes, sent 30348818 bytes
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) Remote: received 30348818 bytes, sent 631 bytes

  And, again, tries to return the WU (the one that's already being handled
  by the forked client) several times.

    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 Accepted connection from
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 PID for socket: 11899
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 PID 11899: issending: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) Connection from -- slot 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899 is most likely contacting WU server, content length: 91590673
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) [FAH] Helper pid: 12011
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) [FAH] PID 11899: numcores: 0
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) [FAH] Helper (pid 12011) already running
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) [FAH] If you're sure that's not the case, please remove /tmp/fah/f1
    Thu Jun  6 00:48:08 2013 (0) Local: received 16384 bytes, sent 0 bytes

  Finally, forked (background) client completes the upload:

    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Complete request sent.
    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Remote connection closed (rbsize: 0).
    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Local: received 91590797 bytes, sent 634 bytes
    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Remote: received 634 bytes, sent 91590797 bytes
    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Ratelimit: sent 91590797 byte(s) in 381.824 seconds, 239877 Bps (234.25 kBps)

5. Windows information

5.1. Using Langouste

    1. Unzip Langouste archive
    2. Copy helper batch file (from dist\win32\ directory) to FAH client's
       directory (console) or, if using systray client, to Folding@Home data
       files directory
    3. Pick a non-used port for Langouste to use (I use 8880)
    4. Start cmd.exe
    5. Change directory to dist\win32\ subdirectory of the unzipped archive
    6. Start Langouste*,**,***: langouste3-15.10.exe -l port-from-step-3
    7. Reconfigure FAH client:
        - set proxy host to (do not leave 'localhost' there)
        - set proxy port to port from step 3****
    8. Enjoy

    *) it is  _critical_ Langouste is run as the same user as FAH client(s)
       (it has no effect otherwise)

   **) Langouste also supports reading configuration from a file -- use
       '-c' option to specify a file; for configuration options see
       langouste.conf.example (located in dist/)

  ***) Langouste also supports reading configuration from a file -- use
       '-c' option to specify a file; for configuration options see
       langouste.conf.example (located in dist\ directory)

 ****) Langouste is designed to handle multiple clients (on same machine) --
       running single instance is good enough

5.2. Upgrading Langouste

    0. Pick a time when FAH client is not sending or receiving data (shutting
       client down is not necessary)
    1. Terminate existing instance of Langouste with Control+C
    2. Start new instance of Langouste
    3. Copy new helper script (from dist\win32\ directory) to FAH client
       directory (console) or, if using systray client, to Folding@Home data
       files directory
    4. Remove old Langouste directory/binary (for safety)

5.3. How do I know it's working?

    This section is yet to be written. For now, see reference FAH client,
    Langouste and Langouste helper logs (captured with version 0.14.1)
    in dist\win32\reflogs\ (courtesy of DonMarkoni).

6. Rate limiting (upload capping) feature

  Langouste releases 0.15 and later come with a feature that enables user
  to limit upload rates.

  Capping uploads to as much as 90% of upstream bandwith makes heaven and
  earth difference with interactive sessions (ssh et al.) and regular "web
  browsing" too -- DNS queries and TCP ACKs require a bit of (ideally
  low-latency) upstream bandwidth.

6.1. Rate limiting with decoupling (1 Langouste per machine)

  How to? Just add -r <rate-in-bytes-per-second> parameter to you current
  command line; see following example (and terminal log):

    $ langouste3 -l 8880 -r 240000
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 Langouste3 15.9 (compiled Thu Jun  6 00:40:52 MDT 2013 by folding@goldfinger)
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 Default Langouste helper temp directory: /tmp/langouste-kszysiu/
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 Ratelimit: Output rate: 240000 bytes/s (234.37 kBps)
    Thu Jun  6 00:40:59 2013 Listening on
    Thu Jun  6 00:52:22 2013 (1) Ratelimit: sent 91590797 byte(s) in 381.824 seconds, 239877 Bps (234.25 kBps)

  IMPORTANT CAVEAT: multiple machines in the same network won't know about
                    others' existence;
                    two (or more) machines returning WUs simultaneously may
                    (and normally will) exceed limits imposed on any single
                    on the other hand, turnaround time of SMP and SMP bigadv
                    WUs is fairly long so probability of such "clash" isn't
                    really very high

7. Known issues and caveats

    I-1. Using Langouste results in local WU count not being updated; note
         that Stanford statistics are _not_ affected by this issue.


         Comments: updating local WU count is tricky and possible
                   solutions are prone to variety of race-conditions;
                   I'm currently reluctant to resolving the issue
                   at the cost of reliability

8. Support

    Using is recommended. Please post in this thread:

9. Credits

    Langouste was written and is maintained by Kris Rusocki <>

    Special thanks go to:

        #area51 crew -- for ideas, test feedback and more
                        (esp. firedfly for CMD scripting assistance)

        Punchy -- for a great deal of troubleshooting assistance, resolving
                  Langouste's issues on SLES 10 and excellent Windows port
                  alpha-test feedback
        pholcman -- for excellent feedback on rate limiting feature and
                    general troubleshooting assistance (esp. case with
                    Langouste residing on other-than-system volume)

        DonMarkoni -- for excellent Windows port alpha-test feedback
        metal03326 -- for excellent Windows port alpha-test feedback

        Blasphemous Cannibal -- for extraordinary amount of persistence
                                while troubleshooting "infinite loop" issue

        Hyperlife -- for help with IPv6 localhost name resolution issue

Change log (since first official release):
2013-12-13 -- New release (langouste3-15.18)
-- works around FAH problem that could, under certain conditions,
  prevent WUs from being assigned

2013-11-25 -- New release (langouste3-15.17)
-- Linux: fixes a bug that could, under very specific circumstances
  cause multiple helpers to be launched at WU upload attempts

2013-11-15 -- New release (langouste3-15.16)
-- fixes a bug where oneunit status would not be properly reported after
  the client is killed, thanks to Rusty Bowling <>
  for the report

2013-10-31 -- New release (langouste3-15.15)
-- ensures that post-WU-upload timeout is set at 15 minutes, not 10

2013-10-23 -- New release (langouste3-15.14)
-- improves reliability of 'oneunit' feature
-- automatically turns 'oneunit' feature off after client shutdown
-- Linux: requires root to start/stop Langouste3 service

2013-10-22 -- New release (langouste3-15.13)
-- Linux: fixes a bug related to oneunit mode which could cause multiple
  helpers to be launched and impair oneunit mode;
  thanks to Rusty Bowling <> for report and
  troubleshooting help

2013-10-12 -- New release (langouste3-15.12)
-- features oneunit configuration option; it allows users to prevent
  client from downloading next WU without restarting the client (client
  gets terminated); feature integrates with bundled initscript
-- optimizes accesses to per-PID data
-- more elegantly handles negative numbers provided to enable/disable options
-- refactors/cleans up several code paths

2013-09-30 -- New release (langouste3-15.11)
-- underwent internal reorganization of config file parsing code
-- Linux: adds initial support for control interface (via Unix domain socket)
-- Linux: adds rudimentary control program (langouste3-control)
-- Linux: updates initscript with LSB helper functions
-- extends timestamps from int to time_t where appropriate

2013-08-30 -- New release (langouste3-15.10)
-- adds configuration file support: Langouste can now be configured by
  a configuration file (-c command-line option), see sample configuration
  file in dist directory for details
-- Linux: adds possibility of running Langouste as specific user (to facilitate
  starting Langouste at system startup -- -U command-line option)
-- Linux: includes pidfile support and rudimentary SysV initscript
  (needs to be installed manually)
-- adds upstream proxy capability (so Langouste can talk to the world
  via HTTP proxy if so desired -- -X command-line option)
-- reorganizes layout of usage information
-- Linux: simplifies code related to lazy signals feature
-- Makefile: installs initscript in /usr/share/langouste3 and sample
  configuration file in /etc/langouste3/
-- Makefile: improves 'uninstall' target

2013-06-08 -- New release (langouste3-15.9)
-- Drops leading 0 from version number given maturity of the project
-- Linux: introduces support of 64-bit i-node (socket) numbers;
  previous Langouste versions do not decouple uploads if client
  socket is assigned a number that exceeds 32 bits (rare occurence)
-- Linux: places helper's work directory in /dev/shm (to mitigate
  client's fsync bug)
-- avoids occasional spurious iterations of main loop (harmless issue)
-- increases activity timeout from 5 to 10 minutes
-- reorganizes portions of the code (for easier maintenance)
-- improves certain logging messages
-- adds an option that allows not returning any WUs (shall anyone
  want to capture a completed unit)
-- uses more intuitive value as 'max timeout'
-- Linux: simplifies signal handling code
-- Makefile: installs licensing information, documentation and the helper
  script to /usr/share/langouste3/
-- Makefile: removes log files on distclean
-- includes minor documentation update

2012-07-29 -- New release (langouste3-
-- resolves Windows build issue
-- makes Windows helper script work again (broken in 0.15.8)
-- includes minor spelling fix

2012-04-22 -- Internal release (langouste3-0.15.8)
-- includes all-new robust Makefile, which also allows system-wide
  installation (for convenience) on Linux
-- improves on the helper script; now it first tries to return most
  recent results (so that possible server issues with old WUs
  don't impact most recently completed WUs)
-- improves client-server timeout logic; over last year we've seen
  evidence of client and server timeout logic being poorly implemented;
  to cope with these issues, Langouste 0.15.8 implements following
  - activity timeout (no traffic in either direction while downloading
   or uploading): 5 minutes
  - post-WU-upload timeout (server's response after completing the upload):
   15 minutes
  - connect timeout (carried over from past releases): 30 seconds
-- improves ratelimit behavior in case of name resolution delays, scheduling
  delays and system time changes (monotonic clock support is coming soon)
-- includes minor code cleanups

2011-04-25 -- New release (langouste3-0.15.7)
-- resolves two major Linux issues; upgrade strongly recommended
-- Linux: resolves issue that could cause Langouste to completely
  stop responding once helper script has started (WU return);
  such situation would require restart of Langouste
-- Linux: resolves issue that could prevent Langouste from correctly
  launching background client; such situation would result
  in delayed WU return
-- includes minor documentation update

2010-08-30 -- New release (langouste3-0.15.6)
-- includes two reliability bugfixes (Windows); upgrade is
-- Windows: resolves an issue that could result in Langouste
  ceasing to operate and going into infinite loop under
  certain conditions (thanks to Blasphemous Cannibal for
  troubleshooting assistance)
-- Windows: plugs process handle leak
-- minor cosmetic improvements (compiler warnings, messages)
-- minor documentation tweaks

2010-08-03 -- New release (langouste3-0.15.5)
-- adds reliability improvements: upgrade is recommended
-- Langouste now implements own TCP connection timeout (30s) instead
  of relying on FAH client timeout (1h)
-- Linux: improves helper behaviour in a scenario when original client
  gets shut down when helper is running
-- Linux: improves behaviour with paths containing whitespace characters
-- Windows: adds support for Langouste residing on drive other system
-- non-zero verbosity levels now use epoch timestamps with microsecond
-- minor code optimizations and cosmetic fixes
-- adds .txt extension to README, CHANGES and COPYING files (for Windows
-- ACLs now accept CIDR masks
-- ACLs and network mode disabled until release-ready
-- NEW: introduces upload capping feature (see section 6 of README.txt
  for more information)

2010-07-19 -- New release (langouste3-0.14.4)
-- Maintenance release
-- Linux: improves robustness in corner-case path and/or client binary names;
  updated helper script _must_ be used
-- Windows: fixes (cosmetic) issue that could result in Langouste producing
  Winsock errors at shutdown
-- adds missing parameter to Usage/Help screen
-- misc documentation updates

2010-07-18 -- New release (langouste3-0.14.3)
-- Linux: maintenance release; upgrade if you're experiencing issues
  related to item below
-- resolves issue that could result in Langouste not being able download
-- cleanup: closing all fds after fork has been replaced with FD_CLOEXEC
-- b&w: RX/TX byte counters have been added
-- some messages are now much more informative
-- minor documentation updates have been committed
-- Langouste has been reworked to accommodate Windows porting (porting.c,
-- Langouste is now available for Microsoft Windows platforms!; see README
  for details

2010-01-23 -- New release (langouste3-0.12.4)
-- maintenance release; upgrade if you're experiencing issues related
  to items below
-- adds logic preventing langouste from handling clients run by other
-- adds ownership check of /tmp/fah directory
-- changes langouste TMPDIR to /tmp/langouste-$USER
-- fixes a bug that caused HTTP requests without Content-Length header
  be interpreted as a requests with non-zero Content-Length (bug affected
  standalone proxy mode; no interference with FAH)
-- cosmetic code improvements
-- minor Makefile tweaks
-- minor documentation updates

2010-01-01 -- New release (langouste3-0.12.2)
-- maintenance release; upgrade if you're experiencing issues related
 to items below
-- adds support for SLES 10 (SP2); it uses a different format of socket
 entries in /proc/pid/fd (thanks go to bingo-dog for troubleshooting and
 initial fix)
-- resolves a bug in socket lookup code that could result (under
 certain circumstances) in langouste not being able to find FAH
 client's PID; this bug has not been seen in the wild
 (thanks go to bingo-dog for identification and initial fix)
-- [advanced users] lazy signals finally work as expected
-- corrects a typo in an error message (found by bingo-dog)
-- tunes up the Makefile
-- adds clarifications to README (langouste needs to be run as the
 same user as FAH client(s))

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