Friday, December 13, 2013

Langouste 15.18 is now available


I'm pleased to announce availability of Langouste 15.18.

It works around Folding@Home bug that can, under certain conditions, prevent the client from retrieving WUs until queue.dat file is removed or client is uninstalled and reinstalled again.

If you're running Ubuntu Folding Appliance or followed musky's Ubuntu Desktop Installation Guide, follow the steps below:
  1. Log in
  2. Open new terminal (if using GUI)
  3. Run:

    sudo fahinstall

    Naturally, provide your password if so requested.
  4. Fahinstall should complete without error, print your hostname, IP address and request a reboot. Given the scope of the upgrade, a reboot is not required.
  5. You're done :-)
If you're running standalone/custom setup, follow upgrade Langouste per instructions on Langouste's page.

Feel free to share your comments below and subscribe if you'd like to be kept in the loop on this and other developments!

Langouste is a Folding@Home WU upload/download decoupler with number of additional features. To learn more, visit Langouste's page.

Friday, December 06, 2013

OCNG 6200/6300 update

As announced, development of OCNG for 6200/6300 series Opterons started this week. Making progress already -- a little spoiler below: 6380 at 230 MHz refclock.

fah-002590582fd0:~$ sudo tpc -psmax 1
TurionPowerControl 0.44-rc2 (export)
Turion Power States Optimization and Control - by blackshard

fah-002590582fd0:~$ dmesg | grep Refined
[    4.150112] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2874.991 MHz.
fah-002590582fd0:~$ sudo tpc -l | grep 0.pstate.1 | head -1
core 0 pstate 1 (pb1) - En:1 VID:34 FID:12 DID:0.00 Freq:2800 VCore:1.1250
fah-002590582fd0:~$ sudo clockspeed
Clockspeed (OCNG4.5)
Family 15h
Turbo is supported. 2 boost state(s).
Running, please wait...
Refclock: 229.999 MHz
Clockspeed: 3216.071 MHz
fah-002590582fd0:~$ sudo dmidecode | grep -A4 Handle.0x0000
Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
        Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
        Version: 3.0a
        Release Date: 02/01/2013

More information about this development can be found here.

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Welcome to Area 51!

We develop solutions for Distributed Computing community and with this blog we hope to work closer with you :)

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We're open to feedback and ideas so if there's anything on your mind -- let us know!

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